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Facial treatments

The soothing wellness program for your facial skin: Deep cleansing, relaxing massage and high-quality care. Choose from our various beauty offers such as Classic, Relax, Deluxe or Aphrodite - depending on your needs and skin type. The facial treatment is also sought after by the modern gentleman and ideal for teenagers suffering from acne.


Indications of facial treatment
  • Deep cleansing
  • Refining skin texture
  • refresh complexion
  • wellness and relaxation
  • reduce acne




Facial treatment Classic with facial massage
90 min, CHF 170.–


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Facial treatment Classic without facial massage
75 min, CHF 150.–


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Facial Caviar
90 min, CHF 195.–


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Facial treatment Aphrodite
120 min, CHF 230.–


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A potential consultation costs CHF 100 and will be credited if a treatment is carried out.



Local anaesthesia



Social capability




Beauty is our passion.

schweizer qualitaet Swiss Quality